Hermana Wolfe survives the First Week. . . .Barely!

August 7, 2019
*ATTN* Don’t worry, not all my emails will be this long, so don’t worry! Also for all my people who don’t know where I’m at or what I’m doing here’s a little summary. 
What is the MTC? 
MTC stands for Missionary Training Center which is translated in Spanish to Centro De Capacitacíon Misional México- CCM. There are currently 1,000 missionaries here and we are put into companionships. You are required to stay within hearing and sight of your companion at ALL times unless using the restroom. You get REAL close. Each companionship is placed into a district, our district consists of 6 companionships. Then there are “branches” made up of districts and ours has 5! You have the same schedule as your district and we spend every waking second together so they basically become your family! We wake up at 6:30 every morning, no matter what our schedule for the day is, and go to bed by 10:30 every night. In between we have classes, study time, and meals! Our classes are half language and half gospel classes where we learn more about our Heavenly Father! Every second here is planned out so we don’t really have time to miss home... until we go home and read letters and cry ourselves to sleep to the sound of gunshots, sirens and foreign music. :)
   Holy cannoli why did no one tell me the first week at the CCM is the HARDEST WEEK OF YOUR LIFE. Don’t get me wrong it’s great but like WOW, what an adjustment. 
   This place is the strangest environment I have ever been in. I can’t help but think of the Giver. Everyone is smiling and walking in two’s following the rules and saying “Hola!!!!” to everyone they come into contact with.  It’s so surreal, hilarious and good all at the same time. I’ve seen some familiar faces as well as met people who know my people! It reminds me of home and makes me so happy. 
   Mi compeñara is the cutest girl ever. I found out today that I went to Ecuador with a bunch of her friends, what a small world. The group of missionaries that I traveled with rolled up to the CCM so late because our flights came in later and it was raining so traffic turned a 15 minute bus ride into an hour. We checked in and hauled our 150lbs of life across campus and up two flights of stairs and her precious, smiling face greeted me with “OH MY GOSH ARE YOU HERMANA WOLFE????? YOU’RE MY COMPANION!!!” followed by the biggest, most needed hug in my life. She’s a lot like me, super bubbly and constantly thinking of new goals to make for herself. She’s from the factory (Utah) and went to Utah State pre mish! She has been such an example to me of unconditional love and kindness and we literally love each other so much. She’s such a blessing and I couldn’t be happier with her as my companion! 
   Our district is made up of 12 people, Hermana Ingles and I and 5 companionships of freshly graduated babies. They’re so immature and young but we love them to death... most of the time. They’re picking up the Spanish faster than us and it’s soooo irritating but it’s fine! There’s 5 of us going to Argentina, 3 to Seattle, 1 to Tempe, 1 to Layton, 1 to Fort Lauderdale and 1 to PORTLAND!! Because we have stateside missionaries we got iPads!!!! It’s the best and the absolute worst though because we can see our emails coming in but can’t read them and it takes SO much self control to not read them. They’re also very useful because we have a lot of apps that have been aiding us in learning Spanish. 
   Over the course of this week we learned how to have fun here! The first few days were overwhelming because we were just thrown gallons of information and due dates to memorize stuff by. Everyone wanted to jump on the plane and go straight back home! I’m still myself and I coped with it by making light of the situation and laughing through the pain. Grin and bear it am I right? ;) Our district has slowly realized that we’re actually really fun! Class has been getting more entertaining having everyone cracking jokes instead of just Hermana Ingles and I. 
   The language is... well... coming along. Let’s just say I’ve heard “The Gift of Tongues doesn’t come until we labor and struggle all we can” countless times. I have a VERY strong testimony of that and I can’t wait for my hard work to pay off. I have seen bits of pieces of it this week and IT. IS. REAL. 
    This week may have been a lot to take in but I’m so grateful I’m here. I wouldn’t have left literally everything behind if I didn’t know for a fact that the gospel is true. The spirit has testified this to me innumerable times this week and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to share the happiness that the gospel brings to the people of Argentina. I hope they’re ready for me because IM COMING!!! (5 more weeks :)
   I’ll end with my fav scripture from this week.. are you really a missionary if you don’t?? 
D&C 63:9 
“But behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe.” 
  I think is so important that when we ask Him questions that we have faith and look outside the box! He most likely answering us, just in ways we didn’t think He would. I am very guilty of this and can’t wait to open my mind and ears. Even when we don’t see it, Gods grace is trying to save us. 
If you would like, you can watch a video called “Faith Crisis: What do we do when we feel nothing?”  
  I love and miss you all SO much but I know this is where I’m supposed to be. Have the best week ever and you’ll hear from me next week! I’ll be able to talk until 5 so if you want to email me I’ll respond! 
