
Hermana Wolfe survives the First Week. . . .Barely!

August 7, 2019 *ATTN* Don’t worry, not all my emails will be this long, so don’t worry! Also for all my people who don’t know where I’m at or what I’m doing here’s a little summary.  What is the MTC?  MTC stands for Missionary Training Center which is translated in Spanish to Centro De CapacitacĂ­on Misional MĂ©xico- CCM. There are currently 1,000 missionaries here and we are put into companionships. You are required to stay within hearing and sight of your companion at ALL times unless using the restroom. You get REAL close. Each companionship is placed into a district, our district consists of 6 companionships. Then there are “branches” made up of districts and ours has 5! You have the same schedule as your district and we spend every waking second together so they basically become your family! We wake up at 6:30 every morning, no matter what our schedule for the day is, and go to bed by 10:30 every night. In between we have classes, study time, and meals! Our classes are half l